

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Help Treat Patients With Dental Phobia

According to a study published in the latest issue of the British Dental Journal (BDJ), a single session of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) could help individuals who suffer from severe dental phobia to overcome their anxieties.

Based on an initial trial of 60 dental patients who relied on having intravenous sedation before any dental treatment could be carried out, the researchers of the investigation concluded that the benefits of CBT were so significant that they recommend dental providers to execute this approach now instead of waiting to pursue further investigations. They highlight that this method saves money for the NHS because patients benefit from not being exposed to the health risks linked with repeated intravenous sedation.

All 60 of the patients had been to a specialist dental clinic in Sheffield for individuals with severe dental phobia. CBT was offered to half the group, out of the 21 patients who accepted the treatment, 20 went on to have dental work done without the need to be sedated. A review of these patients ten years later discovered that none of the 19 patients located who received CBT, had returned to sedation in the past decade.

The authors of "A joint approach to treating dental phobia: A re-evaluation of a collaboration between community dental services and specialist psychotherapy services ten years on", conclude that the benefits of CBT for patients with severe dental phobia appear to last over time.

According to the latest 10-year survey on adult dental health, published earlier in 2011 by the NHS Information Center, as many as 12% of individuals may encounter extreme dental anxiety.
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